Friday, May 13, 2011

Using Mercury/32 as an interface to Gmail SMTP Gateway

Having an SMTP server which can deliver email to the Internet is great when conducting experiment in network environment. There are quite a number of SMTP server software available. In this article, we will use Mercury/32, a SMTP server which is included in the XAMPP package as an example for relaying email to the Internet through Gmail gateway - the Google email system.

Following are some of the steps involves in configuring Mercury/32 to use Gmail SMTP gateway as it’s SMTP relay host.
  1. If you already have Web Server (like apache) running on your system, please disable HTTP Server in the Mercury configuration so that it will not conflict with existing server service.
    Select: “Configuration” -> “Protocol modules”
    Uncheck “MercuryB HTTP web server”
  2. Enable “MercuryC SMTP relaying client” in the same dialog box. Click “OK”
  3. Restart Mercury!
  4. “Configuration” -> “Mercury core module”,
    • tab “General”
      1. Internet name for this system: localhost
      2. Disable all checkboxs but “Send copies of all errors to postmaster”.
    • tab “Local domains”
      1. if the entry “localhost (local host or server) localhost (internet name)” is there, if not, add it and click “OK”.